July Flower Momma Box

“Lord, show me who you are.”

This is a prayer I have been praying multiple times a day the past few weeks in order to seek Him out and to debunk lies that I have believed for a long time. Something I had been challenged with on my journey in growing closer to the Lord is to not read any other books besides my Bible to realign my heart solely with its truth. It has been way harder than I anticipated, but, again, this challenge is an attempt to clear away the unconscious lies I had been operating from. These lies sounded like: “I am imcompetant, I am a disappointment, and I am not accepted.” …Oof. Even typing that out for you to read is hard because those lies have been so loud in my head and heart for so long. 

In my reading, I have been lingering in the book of Joshua, reading about Rahab, a woman of Faith who is found in the genealogy of Jesus. I think about the conversations that must have taken place before, during, and after the Israelites stormed Jericho. What has caught my attention specifically in my reading is in the time after the walls fell. The Israelites stormed Jericho, the spies went to Rahab and her family and got them out of the city, and they were placed on the outside of the camp. When Rahab and her family were placed on the outside, I question what she must have been feeling. Did she long to be a part of the camp of Israel? Did she feel incompetent, not accepted or smart enough to be a part? Later in the passage, we learn she is accepted by the Israelites, but that short period before she went into the camp stirred compassion in me for what Rahab must have felt.

This month, Flower Mommas received a bouquet of peonies straight from the farms of Alaska! Along with Bubble T Bath Pearls!

Interestingly enough, “Outside the camp of Israel” actually means “Made to rest”. How many times have you longed to be accepted and strived through your own actions to be that version of who you think “they” want instead of resting and waiting for where He wants you? Sometimes what God does in our hearts through obedience is beyond our capacity to understand. Sometimes He is teaching us to trust Him for the outcome instead of trying to achieve it on our own. 

Each month we hide one golden ticket in a randomly chosen box! The winner gets a bonus box either for themself or to encourage another momma who needs it!

This season of The Flower Momma Podcast is all about rest. How do you choose to slow down and cultivate a rhythm of rest in your day to day? What does that even look like? Do you find yourself saying, “If I could just get through this, then I can rest?” Are you finding rest in Him in order to live from a place of rest and a place of being loved, wanted and accepted, or are you living to just get to the next period of rest? 

I want to encourage you, sweet mommas, that rest is achievable even amidst the busiest lives and busiest seasons. “Then Jesus said, Come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Ask the Lord who He is to you. True peace and rest will be found while sitting at Jesus’ feet every time. 

Until Next Time

Jenny Lee Hines

For further reading and encouragement:

Hebrews 3:1, Joshua 2 - 6, Matthew 6:6-8

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer